Botou Changsheng petrochemical machinery factory to provide you with JXLD, TB, WJ (JA, JB) DJ, SJ (JXLD95 standard) type reducer support, and GX, YLD, HL, JQ, TK, TLL, GZ, YL, TL, GJ etc. various types of coupling and agitator, stuffing box. For Tianjin reducer factory and the speed reducer factory matching products, widely used in petroleum, chemical, textile, printing and dyeing, pharmaceutical, light industry, food machinery, glass lined reactor. The complete product specifications. And to undertake all types of non-standard stent design and manufacture, excellent quality, stable, abide by the contract, timely delivery, reasonable price, the implementation of three bags, agent transport.
Our factory is located in the "township of the Chinese have long enjoyed a good reputation", "casting city" in Hebei Province, Botou City, the traffic is very convenient, the Beijing Shanghai line BoTou Railway Station and get off the phone and car station, welcome people from all walks of life come to my factory visit.
昌盛JM膜片联轴器制作泊头市昌盛石化机械JM型膜片联轴器适用于高温、高速、有腐蚀介质工况环境的轴系传动,广泛用于各种机械装置的轴系传动,如水泵... 2024-9-9 |
500/台 1台起订 |
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昌盛ZL型弹性柱销齿式联轴器ZL型弹性柱销式联轴器基本参数与主要尺寸 mm 型 号 公称转距Tn /N·... 2024-9-9 |
面议/台 1台起订 |
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昌盛YL型凸缘联轴器型号 公称扭矩Tn(N·m) 许用转速[n]r/min 轴孔直径d(H7) 轴孔长度L ... 2024-9-9 |
面议/台 1台起订 |
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昌盛WGP型带制动盘鼓形齿式联轴器泊头市昌盛石化机械厂WGP型带制动盘鼓形齿式联轴器齿式联轴器是由齿数相同的内齿圈和带外齿的凸缘半联轴器等零件组成。外齿分... 2024-9-9 |
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昌盛JQ夹壳联轴器泊头市昌盛石化机械厂JQ夹壳联轴器用于反应器搅拌轴过长,分两段制造时两搅拌轴的联接,若立式减速机输出轴与反应器搅拌轴联接... 2024-9-9 |
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昌盛GCLZ型鼓形齿式联轴器泊头市昌盛石化机械厂GCLZ型鼓形齿式联轴器泊头市昌盛石化机械厂GCLZ型鼓形齿联轴器在国外许多先进的工业国家已有种种标... 2024-9-9 |
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昌盛GCL型鼓形齿式联轴器GⅡCL型鼓形齿式联轴器属于刚挠性连轴器,齿式联轴器是由齿数相同的内齿圈和带外齿的凸缘半联轴器等零件组成。外齿分为直齿和... 2024-9-9 |
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昌盛CL型齿式联轴器泊头市昌盛石化机械厂CL型齿式联轴器列为JB/ZQ4218-86标准,适用于联接两水平同轴线传动轴系。具有一定补偿两轴相... 2024-9-9 |
面议/台 1台起订 |
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昌盛SL十字滑块联轴器十字滑块联轴器由两个在端面上开有凹槽的半联轴器和一个两面带有凸牙的中间盘组成。因凸牙可在凹槽中滑动,故可补偿安装及运... 2024-9-9 |
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昌盛轮胎联轴器泊头市昌盛石化机械厂ul本UL轮胎式联轴器是一种高弹性联轴器,具有良好的减震缓冲和优越的轴间偏移补偿性能,工作温度-20... 2024-9-9 |
面议/台 1台起订 |
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