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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


    NORD DRIVESYSTEMS 是机械和电子解决方案驱动技术的全球领导者。我们成立于 1965 年,之所以能够成功跻身减速电机制造商精英名单,是因为我们的战略是倾听客户的意见并与客户密切合作以建立长期关系。通过与客户的合作,我们创造了广泛的创新驱动解决方案,从而在全球范围内实现了持续增长。NORD DRIVESYSTEMS 在全球 98 个国家设有代表处,拥有 4,000 多名员工,以确保缩短交货时间并提供及时的客户服务。无论您身在何处,您都可以期待准时交付和快速回答您的问题。我们的产品结合了紧凑的机械结构、模块化设计和智能电子设备。我们营销和生产完整的机械和电气驱动组件系列,包括优质齿轮减速器、电动机、交流矢量驱动器、伺服控制器和分布式驱动技术。无论您有什么需求,诺德都可以帮助您找到适合您的应用的解决方案。凭借我们强大的驱动解决方案,诺德甚至可以让世界上的“巨人”动起来:港口设施中的巨大起重机、体育场中的可伸缩屋顶、机场中的行李传送带和滑雪缆车。无论您的应用是什么,NORD 都一定会让它运行并保持运行。NORD 的高质量和服务标准源于我们坚定不移的客户关注。我们与客户合作获取现场知识,帮助我们开发新的、最先进的驱动解决方案,这些解决方案运行效率更高,维护需求更少。
NORD DRIVESYSTEMS is a global leader in drive technology for mechanical and electronic solutions. Founded in 1965, our successful climb to the elite list of gearmotor manufacturers is due to our strategy to listen to and work closely with customers to build long-term relationships. Together, with the partnership of our customers, we have created a wide range innovative drive solutions that have resulted in continuous worldwide growth.With our powerful drive solutions, NORD can put even the “Goliaths” of the world into motion: huge cranes in harbor facilities, retractable roofs in sports stadiums, luggage conveyor belts in airports, and ski lifts. No matter what your application is, NORD is sure to get it moving and keep it moving.NORD DRIVESYSTEMS is represented in over 98 countries throughout the world with more than 4,000 employees to ensure short lead times and prompt customer service. You can expect on-time delivery and quick answers to your questions, regardless of your geographic location.Our products are built with a combination of compact mechanics, modular design, and intelligent electronics. We market and produce a complete line of mechanical and electrical drive components including quality gear reducers, electric motors, AC Vector drives, servo controllers, and distributed drive technology. Whatever your need, NORD can help you find the right solution for your application. NORD's high quality and service standards result from our unwavering customer focus. We work with our customers to gain field knowledge that assists us in the development of new, state-of-the-art drive solutions that run more efficiently and require less maintenance.


电话:7571-51179040  传真:-  地址:苏州工业园区长阳街510

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