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         单向超越离合器、电磁离合器、磁粉离合器、电磁失电制动器、离心式离合器、气动离合器、联轴器、逆止器、制动器、气膜式离合器、胀紧套、锁紧盘、气动隔膜泵、空压碟式制动器、含油自润滑轴承、张力控制器、精密锁紧螺母、 防松垫圈、带链条扭力限制器、单向轴承等产品专业生产加工的公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。
    公司主要提供CAMA(CK-A、CKA、XKA)型,CAMB(CK-B)型,BCAM(CKZ、XKZ)型楔块式单向超越离 合器,ROLA(AS、GC-C),ROLB(ASNU、GC-B)型,BROL(NUZ、GCZ)型滚柱式单向超越离合器,NF型高 速工况用非接触楔块式逆止器,NYD(NJ)型低速工况用逆止器,GN型滚柱式逆止器。以及DLM0、DLM2、 DLM3、DLM4、DLM5、DLM9、DLM10型多片、干式、湿式电磁离合器、DLYO,DLY3型牙嵌式电磁离合器,DLD ,DZD型单片、电磁离合器、电磁制动器,Z1至Z20型胀紧联结套,含油轴承,离心式离合器,安全离合器 ,扭力限制器,磁粉离合器,空压碟式制动器,联轴器等基础传动件产品。
   公司始终本着“敬业、求实、创新的经营理念;坚持质量第一、信誉第一”的宗旨,为广大用户提 供优质产品和服务;以“质量求生存、以顾客为中心、以管理求效益、以市场求发展”是我公司的经营方针,公司全体员工决心以更加优质、及时、快捷的服务,以敢为人先、艰苦创业的敬业精神,为振兴民族经济尽微薄之力。
The overrunning clutch, electromagnetic clutch, magnetic powder clutch, electromagnetic loss brake, a centrifugal clutch, pneumatic clutch, couplings, check gas membrane separator, brakes, clutch, expansion sleeve, locking plate, pneumatic diaphragm pumps, air disc brake, oily self lubrication bearing, tension controller, precision lock nut, lock washer, with the chain torque limiter, one-way bearing products such as professional production and processing companies, has a complete, scientific quality management system. The company's integrity, strength and quality of products recognized by the industry. Professional R & D, production, sales: clutch, clutch, backstop and transmission machinery equipment and accessories. The company seeks to refine on to provide users with excellent quality, high precision mechanical transmission products stable performance. The company mainly provides CAMA (CK-A, CKA, XKA), CAMB (CK-B), BCAM (CKZ, XKZ) type sprag overrunning clutch, ROLA (AS, GC-C), ROLB (ASNU, GC-B), BROL (NUZ, GCZ) type roller clutch, NF high speed condition with the non contact wedge backstop, NYD (NJ) type low speed with non-return device, GN type roller backstop. As well as DLM0, DLM2, DLM3, DLM4, DLM5, DLM9, DLM10, dry, wet multi disc electromagnetic clutch, DLYO, DLY3 type of jaw type electromagnetic clutch, DLD, DZD chip, electromagnetic clutch, an electromagnetic brake, Z1 to Z20 type locking assemblies, oil bearing, a centrifugal clutch, safety clutch, torque limiter, magnetic powder clutch, air disc brake, couplings and other basic transmission product. The company has always been the spirit of "dedication, truth-seeking, innovative business philosophy; adhere to the quality first, the credibility of the first" purpose, to provide quality products and service for the vast number of users; to "quality of survival, to the customer as the center, to management for efficiency, to market and development" is our company's operating principles, the company all staff determined to be more high-quality, timely, efficient service, to dare be a person first, carve dedication spirit, to revitalize the national economy to make modest. We use to defend the dignity of personality quality! Welcome all friends to visit, guidance and business negotiation.


电话:029-33688901  传真:029-33688901  地址:陕西省咸阳市西咸新区沣西新城

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