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Tangshan City Hengxin confluence reducer


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


    志远减速机唐山经销处。公司自1970年建厂以来,不懈地追求研制性能更优异的减速机,用实绩改善减速机新观念,产品以其卓越的性能荣获得“省优”“部优”,相继取得河北省质量技术监督局授予消费者信得过产品单位称号,质量免检,荣获九七年郑州全国机电产品博览会金奖,并且在2000年通过了ISO9001.2000国际质量体系保证认证,标志着企业质量管理工作迈上了一个新的台阶。主要产品有: 1、圆弧齿蜗轮蜗杆减速机 2、渐开线蜗轮蜗杆减速机 3、X系列行星摆线减速机 4、B系列行星齿轮减速机 5、软齿面圆柱齿轮减速机 6、中硬齿面圆柱齿轮减速机 7、硬齿面圆柱齿轮减速机 8、减速电机 9、电炉专用减速机 10、丝杠升降机 11、电动滚筒 12、减速机支架 13、联轴器等
Zhiyuan reducer Tangshan distribution department. The company since its establishment in 1970, the relentless pursuit of development performance more excellent reducer, reducer performance improvement of new ideas, products for its excellent performance awarded "provincial superior" "fine", have obtained the quality and Technical Supervision Bureau of Hebei province awarded the consumer trustworthy product unit title, quality inspection, nine seven of Zhengzhou won the National Electrical Products Expo Gold Award, and in 2000 passed the ISO9001.2000 international quality assurance system certification, marking the enterprises quality management work to a new level. The main products are: 1, circular arc tooth worm gear reducer 2, involute worm reducer 3, X series planetary cycloid reducer 4, B series planetary gear reducer 5, soft tooth surface of cylindrical gear 6, the hardened cylinder gear reducer 7, hardened cylinder gear reducer, gear motor, 8 9 10 electric furnace for reducer 11, screw lift, electric drum 12, reducer, coupling support 13


电话:0315-2868489  传真:0315-2868489  地址:唐山市复兴路156号

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