近年来, 上海长城减速机厂有限公司自主开发研制的模块化减速电机、模块化齿轮减速机、模块化减速器、大功率重载齿轮箱、风力发电齿轮箱等系列减速机广泛应用于冶金、起重、矿山、电力、石化、建材、轻工、筑路、制糖、环保等行业,完全替代了进口同类产品并实现技术更新突破,获得了国内外客户的赞誉和推崇。
服务创造共赢、品质引领发展, 上海长城减速机厂有限公司着力以经济服务、卓越品质为客户提供经济、有效、完整的传动设备解决方案,解决客户需求。
Shanghai Great Wall reducer Factory Co., Ltd. is an early entry into the field of transmission equipment in China, the first implementation of machinery, electricity, instrument, network integration of modern enterprises. Relying on the development of Conveying packaging equipment, mixing equipment, coal mining machinery and other equipment manufacturing industry in China and the long-term cooperation with various industrial design institutes, relying on its own continuous innovation of product technology research and development