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Lianyungang Engineers International


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


    工兵破碎锤 炮头 捣锤 破碎锤配件 T50钎杆70MM配挖机4-7吨
4:工兵破碎锤以点、线、面的布局,形成了一流的客户跟踪服务而取得了今天的辉煌成果。,欢迎来电垂询 QQ1974937339 手机15950713677
Engineer breaking hammer gun head tamping hammer breaking hammer accessories T50 drill rod 70mm with excavator 4-7t Four advantages of engineer breaking hammer: technology, quality, price and service 1: In order to meet the requirements of consumers, engineers and soldiers crusher hammers are constantly updated in technology, so that the frequency and strength of the engineering crushing hammer are further improved and enhanced 2: Engineers and soldiers crushers seek development with the coexistence of reputation and quality, and meet the market demand with outstanding quality advantages in the industry. 3: In order to maintain the demand of terminal consumption, reduce the cost of consumer, and improve the cost performance with the advantages of quality and price. 4: With the layout of point, line and surface, the engineer breaking hammer has formed the first-class customer tracking service, and has achieved today's brilliant achievements.


电话:0518-85201979  传真:0518-86099019  地址:花果山南山工业区

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