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Taixing Taishan transmission equipment Co., Ltd


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


      泰兴市泰山传动设备有限公司( 泰杏减速机),我们公司位于江苏省中部、全国著名的减速机之乡-泰兴市。
    泰山传动专业销售泰杏各系列减速机: 齿轮,摆线针轮、软齿面、中硬齿面、硬齿面,化工搅拌设备、起重机配套 等传动产品。生产企业拥有雄厚的技术,先进的生产设备,高精度的检测手段, 产品采用了系列化、模块化的设计思想,使产品具有了广泛的适应性,单件产品可以独立成台实现其所具备的功能,又可和本系列或其它机型组合,组成满足不同需要的减变速机组。
  主要产品类型:圆柱齿轮、硬(中硬)齿面减速机,行星齿轮减速机,星轮齿轮减速机,电动滚筒,F,K,R,S四大系列齿轮减速机, TB900(800)摆线针轮减速机,X(B)型摆线针轮减速机,RV系列蜗轮蜗杆减速机,MB无级变速,Y.YEJ.YZP、YES、ZD(Y)系列电机。
  产品广泛应用于电力机械、冶金机械、环保机械、筑路机械、化工机械、食品机械、轻工机械、矿山机械、输送机械、建筑机械、建材机械、水泥机械、橡胶机械、水利机械、石油机械,港口设备…等。   “以人为本、质量第一、用户至上”是本公司开创事业和服务客户的宗旨。公司将以先进的技术,丰富的经验,不断开发创新,追求卓越,以一流的产品满足客户的需求。
   泰山传动的市场定位是业界最佳传动设备供应商,我们以:德国产品的稳定,美国产品的先进,为赶超的基准, 我们会持续地努力,无穷地逼近高质量,低成本和高效率的理想目标。

Transmission Equipment Co., Ltd. Taixing Taishan ( Thailand apricot reducer ) , our company is located in central Jiangsu Province , the famous hometown of gear - Taixing . Tarzan drive professional sales Thailand apricot each series reducer : gears, cycloid , soft tooth surface , the hardened, hardened , chemical mixing equipment , cranes, ancillary and other transmission products. Production companies have strong technology, advanced production equipment, high-precision detection means , the product uses a series, the modular design concept , the product has a wide range of adaptability, a single product can achieve it with a separate Taiwan functions , but also other models in this series or combination of components to meet the different needs less gear unit . Main product types : cylindrical gear , hard ( medium hard ) tooth surface reducer, planetary gear reducer, star wheel gear reducer, electric drum , F, K, R, S four series gear reducer , TB900 (800) placed line pin wheel reducer , X (B) -type cycloid reducer , RV series worm reducer , MB CVT , Y.YEJ.YZP, YES, ZD (Y) series motor . Our products are widely used in electrical machinery, metallurgical machinery, environmental protection machinery , road construction machinery, chemical machinery, food machinery, light machinery , mining machinery, transportation machinery , construction machinery, building material machinery , cement machinery, rubber machinery , irrigation machinery , petroleum machinery , port facilities ... and so on. "People-oriented , quality first, customer first " is the company develop a business and customer service purposes . The company will be advanced technology, rich experience, continuous development and innovation , the pursuit of excellence, first-class products to meet customer demand . Tarzan drive market positioning drive is the industry's best equipment suppliers , we : German product stability , the United States advanced products for the catch-up basis , we will continue to strive , infinitely approaching high quality , low cost and high efficiency the ideal goal . Some of our series can directly replace German SEW , Germany FLENDER Corporation, Japan Tsubakimoto TSUBAKI Company , Italy MOTOVARIO company the same model , Tarzan drive provides accessories according to user requirements, such as : Ministry of Chemical Industry , Ministry of Machinery Standard , heavy ( Sichuan ) tooth mark , south high standard , Taixing standard, Jingzhou standard, Tianjin mark ... and so on. "Quality of life and reputation as a criterion, " I will invite all regions and sectors, insight , and friends to create brilliant together towards a better tomorrow !


电话:0523-87771695  传真:0523-87771695  地址:中国江苏泰兴姚王北殷工业园区-10号

减速机 减速机超市 Reducer - Gearbox