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Suzhou Asia Pacific Pioneer Metals Corporation


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


    公司目前拥有国际先进水平的高精度数控成型磨齿机6台:其中德国NILES公司的2台ZE1200、1台ZP20、1台ZP30带内磨臂,可磨内齿圈;另外2台是霍夫勒RAPID800磨齿机。还有国内一流的数控气体渗碳炉7台(最大直径2.9m)和一系列一流的机械加工设备及检测设备;公司具备直径φ≤3200mm ; 模数Mn≤40的高精度渐开线圆柱(弧)硬齿面齿轮的加工和进行齿轮渗碳、淬火和表面淬火及工件调质加工的能力
High precision CNC forming the company now has the international advanced level of gear grinding machine 6 units: the German NILES, 2 ZE1200, 1 ZP20, 1 ZP30 belt grinding arms, grinding internal gear ring; the other 2 are Hof Le RAPID800 gear grinding machine. And the domestic first-class CNC gas carburizing furnace 7 (2.9m in diameter) and a series of first-class mechanical processing equipment and testing equipment; the company has diameter ≤ 3200mm; high precision cylindrical involute modulus Mn ≤ 40 (ARC) machining of hardened gear and gear carburizing, quenching and tempering and surface hardening of the workpiece machining the ability of


电话:0512-88189927  传真:0512-88186188  地址:苏州市相成区黄桥工业园2区兴旺路4号

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