我公司是生产各种减速器的专业公司。具有三十多年的生产历史。公司装备精良、制造经验丰富、技术力量雄厚、并以产品品种规格齐全、质量上乘、客户第一而闻名全国。我公司是中国重型机械工业协会基础件分会的副理事长单位。多年来,一直把新产品,新技术的开发作为企业的主攻方向。1988年与天津大学联合组建齿轮蜗轮研究所,共同开发研制zc1型蜗杆传动减速器,该系列产品获国家科技进步二等奖。1992年我公司承接国家级火炬计划项目“高效节能减速器系列化工程”,经过三年的艰苦努力。我们顺利地完成了项目要求的工作内容,并通过了国家科委的验收。 我公司的主要产品有:硬齿面圆柱、圆锥齿轮减速器;环面、圆柱蜗杆减速器;行星齿轮、摆线针轮减速器;齿轮减速电机等多个系列产品。同时承接各种非标减速器的设计制造。 “建设精干的队伍,保证精心的制造,提供精良的服务”是我公司一贯坚持的质量工作方针,我们始终把质量工作放在首位,视产品质量为企业的生命。1999年通过了国家iso9001质量保证体系认证。 面对入世后的全球市场,我公司定当再接再厉,以诚信为本,以客户满意为服务宗旨,竭诚为广大客户服务,并不断地有更新更优良的产品提供给客户。 ......
Our company is a professional company producing all kinds of reducer. With over 30 years of production history. Company equipped manufacturing experience, strong technical force and product variety, complete specifications, quality, customer first and famous. Our company is China Heavy Machinery Industry Association, vice chairman of the foundation pieces of branch units. Over the years, has been to bring new products, new technology development as the company's main direction. 1988 with Tianjin University Institute jointly set up worm gears, jointly developed zc1 type worm gear reducer, the series won the National Science and Technology Progress Award. 1992 I undertake a National Torch Program "energy efficient reducer series project," After three years of hard work. We successfully completed the project work requested content, and acceptance by the State Science and Technology Commission. My company's main products are: hardened cylindrical, conical gear reducer; torus cylindrical worm reducer; planetary gears, cycloid reducer; gear motors and other products. Also undertake the design and manufacture non-standard reducer. "Building lean team to ensure careful manufacturing, providing excellent service" is our consistent quality approach, we always put quality first priority, depending on the product quality as enterprise's life. 1999 by the National iso9001 quality assurance system certification. The face of the global market after WTO entry, I will certainly make persistent efforts, honesty, customer satisfaction for service and dedication to customer service and continue to have newer and more excellent products to customers. ......
Our company is a professional company producing all kinds of reducer. With over 30 years of production history. Company equipped manufacturing experience, strong technical force and product variety, complete specifications, quality, customer first and famous. Our company is China Heavy Machinery Industry Association, vice chairman of the foundation pieces of branch units. Over the years, has been to bring new products, new technology development as the company's main direction. 1988 with Tianjin University Institute jointly set up worm gears, jointly developed zc1 type worm gear reducer, the series won the National Science and Technology Progress Award. 1992 I undertake a National Torch Program "energy efficient reducer series project," After three years of hard work. We successfully completed the project work requested content, and acceptance by the State Science and Technology Commission. My company's main products are: hardened cylindrical, conical gear reducer; torus cylindrical worm reducer; planetary gears, cycloid reducer; gear motors and other products. Also undertake the design and manufacture non-standard reducer. "Building lean team to ensure careful manufacturing, providing excellent service" is our consistent quality approach, we always put quality first priority, depending on the product quality as enterprise's life. 1999 by the National iso9001 quality assurance system certification. The face of the global market after WTO entry, I will certainly make persistent efforts, honesty, customer satisfaction for service and dedication to customer service and continue to have newer and more excellent products to customers. ......