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Shenzhen XinTai Ming Machinery Co., Ltd.


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


        重庆鑫台铭空油压机器有限公司是“鑫台铭(香港)集团有限公司”下属的子公司。 公司位于重庆市两江新区兰馨大道的“重庆国际机电五金城”。紧邻319、212、210国道及成渝环线、机场高速路,毗连规划中的轻轨三号线,距江北国际 机场仅10分钟车程,离重庆火车北站不到8公里,距长江上游唯一的内河深水港—寸滩保税港10公里,海陆空交通便利。“重庆国际机电五金城”地处重庆十里 汽车城核心发展区域,占地600亩地,总建筑面积45万平方米,是中国西部规模最大的现代化、品牌化、专业化及最具魅力的大型机电五金市场之一 。
    重庆鑫台铭空油压机器有限公司是“深圳鑫台铭总公司”授权的西南地区销售服务公司。主要提供:标准XTM空油压机器及 各类非标空油压机器的技术咨询、方案设计、技术培训、销售、安装、调试、维修等各项技术性服务。产品涵盖:100-300T四柱、单柱、框式、卧式通用型液压机和3-100T金属或非金属材料的挤压成型机、热压成型机、拉伸机、裁断机、整型机、冲边机、压装机等两大类产品。其中包括:200KG-50T台湾规格的气压压床、增压压床、油压压床和桌上精密高速冲床、薄膜开关鼓包热压机、矽钢片整平机、 压铸件冲边机、液晶保护膜裁切机、转子压装机、油压整型机、精密台式压力机、四柱三板油压机、快速油压机、落地式油压机、弓形油压机、热压成型机、四柱二板油压机、精密油压机、IMD热压成型机、数控油压机等共30多个专用机器系列。产品广泛用于航天航空、船舶重工、汽车、摩托、家用电器、电子仪表、电脑、通讯等行业的零部件压制成型、拉伸和装 备作业。    
    业务范围面向大陆西南地区市场,包括重庆、四川及云、贵、陕、甘、藏等周边地区。依靠“香港鑫台铭集团”雄厚的实力,引进先进的营销理念,以 “一站式服务”为指导,竭诚为每一位客户提供全面、专业的售前技术指导和售后服务未来公司将持续一贯的经营理念,设计研发各类新产品,结合欧美日等先进的控制系统和主要液压元件,以高品质走向,提供客户完整的产品系列及服务,继续推动机械装备制造业产业升级,期望得到业界先进的支持与指教。

Chongqing Xin Tai Ming air hydraulic machine limited company is "Xin Tai Ming (Hongkong) Group Co., Ltd." subsidiary company. The company is located in the city of Chongqing Liangjiang New Area of Lanxin road "Chongqing international electrical hardware city". Close to 319, 212, 210 national highway and the Chengdu Chongqing Ring Road, airport road at high speed, adjacent to the planned light rail line three, only 10 minutes drive away from Jiangbei International Airport, from the Chongqing train north station less than 8 km, 10 km away from the upper reaches of the Yangtze River the only inland Deepwater Port - Cuntan bonded port, convenient transportation facilities. "Chongqing International Electrical Hardware City" is located in Chongqing ten car city core area, covers an area of 600 acres, the total construction area of 450000 square meters, is the largest modern, Western China brand, specialization and the most attractive one of large mechanical and electrical hardware market. Chongqing Xin Tai Ming Air Hydraulic Machinery Co., Ltd. is the "Shenzhen Xin Tai Ming Company" authorized the southwest Sales Service Co. Mainly to provide: XTM standard air pressure machine and various non - standard air pressure machine technology consulting, design, technical training, sales, installation, commissioning, repair and other technical services. Products include: 100-300T column, single column, frame type, horizontal type universal hydraulic machine and 3-100T metal or nonmetal material extrusion molding machine, molding machine, drawing machine, cutting machine, plastic machine, punching machine, pressing machine and other two categories of products. Including: 200KG-50T Taiwan specifications pressure press, press, hydraulic press and pressure table high-speed precision punch, membrane switch blistering hot press, silicon steel sheet leveling machine, die casting, punching machine LCD protective film cutting machine, rotor pressing machine, hydraulic shaping machine, precision bench press, four column hydraulic machine, the third fast hydraulic machine, hydraulic machine, floor type bow hydraulic machine, molding machine, four second hydraulic machine, precision hydraulic machine, IMD molding machine, CNC hydraulic machine, a total of more than 30 special machine series. The product widely used in aerospace, shipbuilding, automobile, motorcycle, household appliances, electronic instruments, computer, communications and other industries parts forming, stretching and equipment operation. The business scope of market oriented, southwest area, including Chongqing, Sichuan and cloud, expensive, Shaanxi, Gansu, Tibetan and other surrounding areas. Relying on the "Hongkong Xin Tai Ming Group" powerful strength, the introduction of advanced marketing concept, with "one-stop service" as the guide, dedicated to every customer to provide comprehensive, professional technical guidance and after sale service Future Ltd will continue to consistent business philosophy, research and development of various new products, combined with the control system of Europe and the United States Japan and other advanced and the main hydraulic components, with high quality to customers, to provide complete range of products and services, continue to promote the industry upgrading of machinery and equipment manufacturing, expect to get support and advice the advanced. Http://www.cq-taiming.com


电话:023-67211578  传真:182-23125884  地址:重庆市渝北区国际五金机电城

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