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Dezhou Yijia to reducer Co. Ltd


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


    德州亿佳来重型减速机有限公司,地理位置优越,交通便利,公司始建于1976年山东省机械工业厅定点企业,公司占地面积35000平方米,以设计制造各类中硬、硬齿面齿轮减速机、摆线针轮减速机、蜗杆减速机为主的减速机厂家,并承担各种异型减速机的设计、开发。 亿佳来减速机的核心制造技术,在五十多年为数十万个用户服务的同时,积累了丰富的使用经验。引领减速机行业发展。
Dezhou Yijia to heavy reductor Co. Ltd., the geographical position is superior, transportation convenience, the company was founded in 1976 in Shandong mechanical industrial department designated enterprises, the company covers an area of 35000 square meters, the design and manufacture of various types of hard, hardened gear reducer, - cycloid reducer, the reducer worm reducer manufacturers, design, and undertake various the development of special reducer. Yijia to reducer core manufacturing technology, in the 50 years for hundreds of thousands of users at the same time, accumulated rich experience to use. Leading the drive industry development


电话:0534-2778833  传真:0534-2329800  地址:经济开发区177-1

减速机 减速机超市 Reducer - Gearbox