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Anhui Sanlang Electric Motor Co., Ltd


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E-mail: jiansuji001@163.com


    三郎电机(安徽)有限公司,是台湾三郎电机股份有限公司 直属大陆分公司,本公司秉承“诚信、高效、务实、创新”的企业精神,本着“以人为本、用户至上、开拓进取、和谐发展”的经营理念,公司自成立以来,一直专注于机械设备专用:中型齿轮减速电机,蜗轮蜗杆减速机,斜齿轮减速机 微型减速电机的研发、设计、生产、与技术服务,公司建全了现代化企业营销制度,完善的:售前、售中、售后服务,为机电行业的时代发展做贡献。
  随着公司现代化生产销模式的深入开展,三郎人将以科技含金量高,品质卓越的产品与自己的智慧,专业的技术在行业中保持领先水平,带动行业的发展,使企业屹立于商海的浪尖!本产品广泛应用于:输送机械;造纸机械;印刷机械;包装机械;纺织机械;食品机械,锻压设备,机械人 机械手设备等行业。 
集其人之长,丰己之产品,开拓新的思路,发展“三郎”精品! 产品的质量,是“三郎”的基础!热情服务,是“三郎”的精神!合理的价格,是“三郎”的根本!“三郎人有能力为您做得尽善尽美!铸造精湛的台湾机电精品,彰显三郎实力。
Sanlang Electric (Anhui) Co., Ltd. is a mainl branch directly under Sanlang Electric Co., Ltd. in Taiwan. Our company adheres to the corporate spirit of "integrity, efficiency, pragmatism, innovation", adheres to the business philosophy of "people-oriented, user first, pioneering, harmonious development". Since its establishment, the company has been dedicated to the research development, design, production, technical services of medium-sized gear reducers, worm gear reducers, helical gear reducers for mechanical equipment. The company has established a modern enterprise marketing system improved pre-sales, in sales, after-sales services, contributing to the development of the electromechanical industry in the era. With the deepening of the company's modern production sales model, Sanlang people will maintain a leading level in the industry with high technological value, excellent quality products, their own wisdom professional technology, driving the development of the industry making the enterprise st at the forefront of the business world! This product is widely used in: conveying machinery; Paper making machinery; Printing machinery; Packaging machinery; Textile machinery; Industries such as food machinery, forging equipment, robotic arm equipment. Integrate their strengths, enrich their products, explore new ideas, develop the "Sanlang" boutique! The quality of the product is the foundation of "Sanlang"! Enthusiastic service is the spirit of "Sanlang"! A reasonable price is the foundation of "Sanlang"! Sanlang people have the ability to do everything for you perfectly! Casting exquisite Taiwanese electromechanical products, showcasing Sanlang's strength.


电话:187-56863933  传真:-  地址:阜南经济开发区纬一路18号

减速机 减速机超市 Reducer - Gearbox