江苏省泰兴市华源减速机制造有限公司位于中国减速机之乡——泰兴,南邻江阴长江大桥,北毗宁通高速公路道口,交通十分发达。 公司产品长期为建材机械、冶金机械、化工机械、建筑机械等国内著名厂家配套,产品广泛应用于首钢、鞍钢、宣钢、济钢、莱钢、齐鲁石化、中国铝业、攀钢等国家大型企业。多年来以技术稳定、售后服务周到赢得了用户的好评。公司股东经过十几年的艰苦创业和不断地兼并和重组,吸纳了一批高科技精英,吸收了国内外减速机行业的先进管理思想,于二○○四年创立了“亚太”牌专业性的大型减速机生产制造企业,主要产品有:ZQ、JZQ、LQ、ZD、ZL、ZS、ZSC、ZSCA系列圆柱齿轮减速机, ZQA、ZQD、ZDZ、ZLZ、ZSY系列中硬齿面减速机 ZDY、ZLY、ZSY系列硬齿面齿轮减速机, ZDZ、ZLZ、ZSZ系列中硬齿面齿轮减速机, QJ系列中硬齿面减速机, DBY、DCY系列硬齿面圆锥齿轮减速机, WXJ、WSJ、WD、WHC、WHS、CWU、CWS、CWO系列蜗轮减速机 NGW系列行星齿轮减速电机, X系列、B系列摆线针轮减速机, YTC、YCJ系列减速电机, TDY系列油冷电动滚筒,并承担各种异型 减速机的设计、开发。
Jiangsu Taixing Huayuan reducer manufacturing Co., Ltd. is located in Taixing, the hometown of China reducer, adjacent to jiangyin Yangtze River Bridge in the south and ningtong expressway in the north, with developed traffic. Our products are building materials machinery for a long time
Jiangsu Taixing Huayuan reducer manufacturing Co., Ltd. is located in Taixing, the hometown of China reducer, adjacent to jiangyin Yangtze River Bridge in the south and ningtong expressway in the north, with developed traffic. Our products are building materials machinery for a long time