同时为了方便用户,可根据客户要求加工订做各种非标准量具,并承接树脂砂铸造.灰口铸铁件、球墨铸铁件及铸钢件.汽轮机厂的垫箱、机床厂的床身、立柱、横梁、工作台、变速箱体铸件业务和机械加业务等等. (需客户附图纸)
联系方式: 厂 址:泊头市交河镇工业开发区
联系人: 孙玲小姐
电 话:0317—5569155 8198622
传 真:0317—8197709 8197710
邮 箱
网 址
Our company specializes in the production of cast iron inspection plate, crossed plate, T-groove plate, welding plate, floor boring plate, round plate, flatness detection can debug bridge plate, laboratory bottom plate; Machine worktable, floor boring machine worktable, boring and milling machine worktable; Cast iron platform, Inspection platform, marking platform, Welding platform, T-slot assembly platform, THREE coordinates platform, motor test platform, engine test platform, motor test platform, Fire engineering platform,